Alright so I've currently got no job, no income and no education besides an average high school degree.
Although I have about 3 years of college experience in digital content creation, I haven't finished that study as I have been taught everything I already knew about creating content online, however they've never taught us any of the business side of being a self employed creator in a stil fairly new work field. So I've decided to start a business study in september and have been working mostly since last October. However it was always really hard to find any jobs that allowed me to work for more than 20 hours or less than 55. So I was either overworked all the time or just constantly stressing because I couldn't be paying all my bills on time with 20 hours/week on minimum wage.
Now because of what's going on in the world currently I've been fired from my job along with about half of the employees working for said company and I've currently got no income, and with just about every job either telling me they'll consider my application once everything is back to normal or simply just ignoring my applications (which I suspect is because a lot of 16-21 year olds are applying for just about any job they can find currently as well, and seeing as I'm above that age bracket, they've legally got to pay me minimum wage of an adult now. I can't confirm if this is why I also get ignored from companies who are still open and looking for "essential workers" or any other reason, but considering how many people under 25 are actually in need of a new job currently, it defenitely doesn't seem out of the question)
In terms of finances, Ive had enough to pay rent for this month, which put me down to my last 20 euros currently with no clue on what to do. I've had to sell half of my pc parts to actually make rent, but nobody seems to want to buy the other half, which would only provide me with an extra 100-200 anyways, which just isn't enough for another month.
My issue is, even if I'd be able to get hired anywhere today, I'd still have to wait an entire month for my salary, how do I make it to my next salary if I'd be able to find a job right now. And until that time, what can I do to get back on my feet. Anything I haven't though of that I could possible just, without needing to be hired anywhere that could possibly pay daily or weekly? Literally anything that could get me out of my current situation would be great, I just have no clue on where to even begin
Submitted April 10, 2020 at 08:44PM by ToonsNCereal