Hi all,https://ift.tt/3ao7Qwq need some advice on how to approach this DIY. I have a concrete porch where the underside is spalling. I have already sealed the top and their is no water intrusion and plan to use an epoxy or rubber sealant on the top to finish it (when it rains there is no more dripping into the underside).How to I go about patching the spalled concrete on the underside? From the posts and videos I have seen, the steps I should take are:Clean the underside of loose debris.Treat the rebar to prevent further rusting.Apply a concrete specifically for overhead application with a quicker drying time https://ift.tt/2UjFeid also plan to sand and then use rustoleum paint on the iron beams.Any other advice and guidance anyone out there can give me?Thanks in advance,M via /r/DIY https://ift.tt/2UIICSI