Hello r/DIY. I am installing a bathroom fan into my master bath as it never had one and I have moisture problem. Fan is installed and all that is left is to do the wiring. I have included below a sketch of how I plan to make the connections to add the new fan. If those of you with experience in electrical could take a look and let me know if I have done anything wrong or am committing any kind of code violation (California) with how the wiring will be configured.https://ift.tt/2Ra5Dw2 am using the single 14/3 down to the switch box for both feed and return because my house is built entirely of concrete and while there are conduit runs in the walls there is not much extra room and I will likely not be able to fit 3 runs of 14/2. A run of 14/3 and 14/2 may be possible but I am just trying to see what my options are and if there is no advantage to running it this way I see no reason to run the extra wire.Lastly, this is just a FYI/CYA for the people that will likely come in here and shit all over me. I have directed this same question to friends and family who are electricians or have a great deal of experience in this area but I believe that getting a 2nd, 3rd, 4th, etc opinion only helps me be more knowledgeable and not burn my house down. If I don't feel I can do it correctly I will hire the right person for the job. I just want to try and do it myself for the learning experience as well as the obvious cost savings. via /r/DIY https://ift.tt/37Wtw13