Idk if I am allowed to post this here so mods please tell me if I need to do something else
Link to my last post in case you guys want to know the story.
Well I did it fellas, I am free, I’m really not sure if anybody really cares but I still want to get this out there. So much has happened since I made that last post so I will just jump right into it.
First however, I have to thank everyone for the kind messages, when I had no one, the reddit community pitching in and being there for me helped me through a bad time, thank you.
A month after I made the post, I turned 18, when I turned 18 I went online and set an appointment for my driving test a couple of days later, I fully intended to take the test with or without my parents help. Luckily though, my parents allowed me to use their car to take the test. Why? I am still unsure to be honest, but I was lucky they did because 10 days later I was KICKED OUT. PLOT TWIST!!!!
I was so surprised, but I have a couple assumptions as to why they did what they did.
It all started when I was arguing with my sister about cars, thats right, we were going back and forth which car was better, being the sore loser that my sister is, when I proved my pick was superior she called our drunk father whom was in another state at the time. Using her rather manipulative tactics she convinced our father I was acting threatening with my arguments (I mean it was a heated argument, but I never got close to her). She put me on the phone with him and thats when he said it, “get out of my house you useless piece of shit”.
You don’t know how happy I was to hear that...
I grabbed my phone, a jacket, a knife I had hid in my desk, and my wallet. From there I said goodbye to the siblings I liked, and walked out the front door. From there I called the brother I worked for, he picked me up, and I went to live with him. I am not sure why there was this change from “you’re never leaving this house” to “get tf out”, and honestly I don’t care, it was probably a mix of my father being drunk, me arguing with his golden child, and the fact I hated every day of my life and was dragging myself around on the daily at the house, but who knows.
I now live on campus, work 40 hours a week and go to school, I couldn’t be happier, I have friends, a great relationship with my brother, everything for the most part is good.
I know there are many details I’m missing, but I felt the obligation to at least update the 20 followers I gained when I made the original post. I probably won’t be able to respond to many comments, but just know everyone who gave advice, reached out in my private mail, or just wished me well. Thank you, you are all amazing and helped me to prepare to get into the real world. I especially would like to thank a girl named Grace (we still keep in touch so I will let her know about this post) she was a reddit user who asked for my IG where we talked though some of my issues, she got me through such a tough time, she is a wonderful human being who deserves the world. Never doubt kindness exists (god thats cheesy but whatever)
I have so many more stories but I don’t feel this is the best place, I may post about it elsewhere if people are interested, I made enemies, I got with a girl for a few months (that shit sucks, not trying that again for a bit) I bought a car, all kinds of stuff!
Love u reddit •~•
Submitted December 09, 2019 at 06:58PM by Awww_Yuss