It was my first time going to a Salvation Army store in which I drove half an hour to and I was extremely excited. I usually go to goodwills but they have been outrageous with their pricing. Tops are $5-10... need I say more?
So word on the street was to check out TSA and that their clothing ranges from $2-5. And when I got there I was pleasantly surprised that it was true! Except.... broken... stained... torn... ripped to shreds... faded... stretched beyond repair...etc.
I used to be upset upon hearing that GWs don’t put out a huge percentage of the stuff they’re donated but now I’m thinking it’s better for these stores to be selective rather than putting out all the dirty, broken junk they get and waste our time in hopes of make 2 lousy dollars.
I spent over an hour, looking through racks and racks, walked throughout the store and only left with 1 item I’m not even keeping for myself; it’s a gift. But after driving so far and seeing that absolutely dump of a place I don’t think I’m ever going back. Not only that but they have very strict policies of not allowing purses or backpacks, yet when I went inside the fitting room it was as if a tornado of clothing and empty hangers passed by. Ripped tags all over the floor so... I guess people are shoplifting regardless.
Something that also, in comparison to GW, took me by surprise is that all GWs I’ve been to, any kind of neighborhood, always seem very clean to me. The tile floor, the blue and white theme, everything is in place. Everything is in decent, wearable, functional condition. TSA looked like a dingy, burgundy carpeted scavenger hunt, with a manager screaming his head off to the employees. I wish I would’ve taken pictures. Shoes with holes on the toes, heels with no HEEL, sandals with broken straps, sweaters with quarter sized holes, dresses with the sequin panel hanging off, shoes with no laces and what looked like mold. All of these things could have been found in a landfill.
Maybe it was just this one? Have you had a similar experience? I love thrift stores, infact I always prefer thrifting over buying new... That’s why I’m frugal. But this was an extreme.
November 16, 2019 at 08:52PM