My 15 year old daughter is an avowed carnivore. Despite our best efforts she is addicted to beef. In second grade she identified as a werewolf.
A number of years ago we were able to shake her addiction by driving past the Harris Ranch feedlot on I-5 in California. The stench and the sight of crowded herds of thousands of cows on gigantic concrete pads brought my little animal lover to tears. We agreed at that point never to buy steaks or hamburgers unless it specifically promised to be grass-fed, open range. Then our thinking continued to evolve. She realized that wasn't enough. Cattle production was still too inefficient.
Now we gets her steaks from the Manager's Specials bin at our local butcher. These are cuts that are about to be tossed out, with sell-by dates only a day or two away. She had a VERY NICE wagyu steak today from the bin and it makes me wonder again if we are doing the right thing.
Are these Manager's Specials at supermarkets meat that is still calculated into their next order? Will the success of their sale (even at 30% off) mean that the local shop increases their demand? Or am I truly operating in an acceptable-losses kind of zone here?
This doesn't keep me up at night but I wonder.
October 26, 2019 at 08:29PM