I'm looking around for a pair of stylish yet extremely tough boots, and I'm sort of torn between various characteristics I wish on the same boot, but that are usually found on other types of boots...
(I could add "cowboy boots" on top of the rest, but I'd rather not ask for the absolute impossible. Though I guess I could ask Rocketbuster [https://www.rocketbuster.com/] or other custom bootmakers.)
I'm not looking for a sporty/technical shoe-boot filled to the brim with synthetic materials. Gore-Tex, but only if hidden. No "plasticky" parts.
If it can look like a pair of Docs/old Corcoran Jump boots, or cowboy boots. Style and ruggedness are equally important.
Budget is around 1000$ US hard maximum (otherwise just go custom)
Submitted August 01, 2019 at 06:28PM by BarbeChenue https://ift.tt/2YEAl6m