I'm homeless btw. Not entirely sure if this would qualify to be on this sub, or if it would be looked down upon, but here goes:
7:00 AM - Wake up
7:30 AM - Arrive (by walking) at this drop-in centre that gives free soup, coffee, and bagels every morning.
9:00 AM - Get to a community center that has huge lockers for me to store my pack (all the way until 11pm) for free. Free laundry service here as well, I use it once a week.
10:00 AM to 11:30 AM - Exercise at a different community center that has a decently sized gym to work out in. There is shower access here that I use right after working out. Membership here is $1 a year!
12:00 PM to 12:15 PM - Eat free lunch at a local Church.
12:30 PM to 3:00 PM/3:30 PM - Go to my local library and use my laptop+phone to work on various tasks from r/beermoney until I make around $10-$20. Usually just online surveys.
3:00 PM/3:30 PM to 6:00 PM - Browse Reddit, watch TV shows, YouTube videos, Twitch, movies, or anime on my phone. Still at the library ofc.
6:00 PM to 6:30 PM - Dinner at the local Church.
6:30 PM to 10:15 PM - Return to the library and read whatever book I'm currently borrowing from the library.
10:30 PM - Return to the center where I stored my pack and pick it up.
11:00 PM - Get to my sleeping area (on the ground in the corner of a building), crawl into my sleeping bag, and sleep.
There is a group of professional barbers here that give free haircuts to the homeless every Sunday, which I take advantage of once a month. I'm drug free, although I'll smoke an occasional cigarette. The only thing I've spent money on in the past 3 months is a tube of $5 toothpaste. Not once have I begged for any money. This life is far from glamorous, but I'm actually somewhat content living it. The loneliness doesn't affect me, I've built up a huge tolerance towards it throughout my life. Yeah I'm probably crazy or something lol. And if you're wondering, I'm 21 years old.
Submitted August 16, 2019 at 01:24PM by illegalandIncognito https://ift.tt/2YXvHBt