So we have a large old detached garage from the 40-50’s or so, that we use as a shop. (House is 18??). It’s basically the scrap versions of 2x4’s with vertical planks on the outside. (You can see through the gaps.)In one corner I’m building out a small office, with AC. About 10’ x 8’. Which will need good insulation on all sides. (Weather here is tropical, Texas.)For insulating the outside walls, I need to improve them to avoid just growing a mold science project once the walls are more sealed... as it is, rain with some wind behind it will seep in. But no issue right now as air flows freely through the whole space, and the slab is elevated and in good shape.I was thinking...Pull the planks off in that area (this is pretty easy)Sheath it in thin-ish plywood, past the office baysSheath it with a wrap/tyvekPut the old planks back onInsulate the bays inside and proceed as normalI know there will be some unevenness at the transition where the plywood is added, but it’s not a big deal given the “rustic” nature of the whole structure.Also we’re planning to demo the whole thing and build a new garage + apt in the next ~5 years... so also not looking to rework the whole thing.Thanks! The “exterior interface” is not where my experience lies... via /r/DIY https://ift.tt/2ZrOWOO