I was looking for a TV for my bedroom and while on the best buy website for our local store I noticed a flyer for a floor model Toshiba 4k TV that was half off. It was one of the best deals I could find and I was interested in getting a 4k TV.
When I got there to pick it up I noticed 2 key things: 1. The TV had no stand (I would have to spend another $20 to $30 for a good stand for the TV) 2. I had been charged $10 more than the price listed on the sticker
I immediately told the customer service lady who administered the transaction and she apologized. After waiting a bit she said she could fix the price but couldn't find a stand so she was going to go talk to her manager. Now look, I ain't no Karen and I ain't gon tell her to get her manager but this was a genuine mistake on their part and she offered to get her manager.
Her manager also apologized and said that she was willing to give us a brand new in box model for the same price with an extended warranty.
Moral of the story: simply checking what you are buying could either save you money or even get you more stuff in my case. Whether buying at goodwill, eBay, Craigslist etc. ALWAYS CHECK.
Thank you for reading
June 18, 2019 at 08:23PM