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Moved into a home in a pretty typical new subdivision, and now im ready to build a fence. The prices im being quoted make me think these fence builders are moonlighting as neurosurgeons, so I’m leaning towards doing it myself. I grew up in the country and have built plenty of barb wire fences and chain link fences, but I’ve never built a “nice” wooden fence. I’ve got neighbors with some already built and I can use theirs as a guide easily enough (yes, I have permission to study their fences).I just have a few questions before I get started, hoping someone can fill me in so I don’t make mistakes. I’ll try and document this for a future update as well. Note: I am not using the premade panels they sell at lowes. Im building from scratch. Ill make sure utilities are marked.I’ll need about 24 posts. I’ll use treated 4x4s for all of them, but I hear the posts that support a gate should be either 4x6 or 6x6. Is 6x6 overkill?I’m very accustomed to using manual post-hole diggers. They suck, I know. But I watched a video of a handheld gas auger and ill be damned if it doesn’t look like it’s more of a hassle than the manual kind. I would LOVE to have an easy way to dig holes. Any recommendations?What specific dimensions should the holes be? I’m thinking 18 inches deep and 10 inches diameter. Is that enough? Overkill? Should the gate posts have bigger holes. (yes im using quikrete or something like it).Roughly how many pounds of quikrete should I expect per hole? I don’t mind buying too much (I plan to, actually) but I don’t want to just buy more for the fun of it.Is there a problem with digging a hole and then letting it sit for 3 weeks or so before I do the post/concrete? I’d kinda like to dig all the holes, then do the posts.Should I leave a certain gap between the ground and the pickets for weed control or other issues? if so, what gap?Any general tips on the gate itself?quick edit question: there is a swale between me and both neighbors, and the property line runs directly in the middle/low point of it. should the fence be offset from that line, and if that causes property line issues....what should i do?I feel like once the posts and rails are installed, the pickets will be easy. If anyone has any other tips or need-to-know info, I’d greatly appreciate it. via /r/DIY http://bit.ly/2wfbxSJ

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