I was able to work out an excellent deal on a friends and family plan that we share with my parents and sister/BIL. Grandfathered plan + extra free data brings our portion of the bill to $35 for 2 lines, phone leases not included. We don't currently have a phone lease because our phones are almost 4 yrs old. The problem is, I seem to have major issues with electronics, despite keeping them in cases and taking good care of them. My husband jokes that I must have some otherworldly current in my body that just fucks everything up.. I'm starting to believe it. My phone is physically perfect, not a scratch but it glitches out and shuts off randomly. About 6 months ago, I used the insurance to get a refurbished model of the same phone for free when this began happening, trying to avoid taking on another lease or dropping hundreds on a new phone. All was well until now, when it's going on again with other problems as well. My husband's phone has also begun to have issues, though not as badly as mine. My question is, how to be frugal with cell phones? I think it's time we upgraded but it kills me to add to monthly bills when we are in super saver mode. And although I know a phone is basically a computer in your pocket and almost necessary these days, I still don't want to drop $1500+ on replacements + chargers and cases. I'm wary to buy used or from a third-party because of the issues I seem to have with electronics.
TLDR: How can I be frugal when shopping for a pair of new cell phones? We're happy with our plan but need new devices.
May 25, 2019 at 11:03AM