Heyhey, I'm having trouble removing this door knocker from my door: (To remove rust/repaint it)http://bit.ly/2LnhI1j fixed with three screws from the backside:http://bit.ly/2VJ0AqY I remove three nuts from these screwthreads, but I'm now at a loss how to remove the door knocker. I'm assuming I have to start with getting the lower jaw out, but I can't turn the jaw to screw it out of the door.I'm kinda assuming those washers need to be removed, and that after that I can hit the thread with a hammer to pop out the jaw from the other side, but I wanted to check with y'all whether I'm missing something before I'm using brute force.Thanks in advance for any insight! via /r/DIY http://bit.ly/2JdJz1r