I've been divorced since 2014 but the ex wife has drug her feet on settling the money aspect of it. Tomorrow I will finally get the money she owes. I'm since remarried. Through a string of bad decisions and bad luck on my job, we have gotten into a good bit of debt totaling roughly $20,000 not including our mortgage which we owe about $120,000 on and our two vehicles that we owe a total of $40,000 on. We make enough money to pay that $20,000 off and if we were to save $2,000 per month we would have that $20,000 back in 10 months time. Our credit is back down to the mid 500's. Should we pay this debt off, or should we put this money back, use some of it to get everything current, and use it to pay bills each month to get our credit back up to where we had it last year? Is there a different route we can/should take?
Submitted May 23, 2019 at 06:20PM by curlywire http://bit.ly/2EsiS5M