My downstairs neighbor is an old lady in her late eighties, and our building has a lot of stairs. Recently she became very ill which caused her to have problems walking up the stairs. My BF found her one day on the stairs, lifting herself up one step at a time, and my heart broke when he told me.I’m looking for some help on what I can do, build or buy at a reasonable price, to make sure that she can get to her home safely. We are talking about 2 sets of stairs, one with twelve steps and one with six. We are not the only people on this stairway, so it has to be a solution that she can use by herself, and be removed by herself.She is currently at the hospital, and I want it to be a surprise for when she comes home, so there is at least one less thing to worry about.I’m lost on where to start, where to go and what to do, since I am not that creative myself.Any help is appreciated, thank you! via /r/DIY http://bit.ly/2uYwMaB