Graduated pharmacy school in 2018. So I have 200k in loans. (160k @5.7% and 45k at 4.8%). I will be living frugally and paying off loans ASAP. That's not the advice I need.
Landed my first job. Salary is about 120k per year and my job does not offer a 401k my first year of employment. I can open one starting January. I believe match is 4%.
Should I be dumping all money into loans until January? Or should I open something else (ira)? Even when its available to contribute to 401k, am I better off just continuing to dump money into loans and ignore it considering my massive debt and interest?
Complicating factors is the pharmacy job market is absolutely terrible and pay has started to plummet. Raises less than COL at this company for all employees Nationwide. If I ever leave this position or switch jobs I could see my pay lower by 20%. There is also a high chance I will choose to pursue a lower paying career in the future as well due to job stress/ health impact.
Submitted April 17, 2019 at 08:46AM by lalakiddox2