Im 30, make 85k/yr gross. take home 2200 bi weekly currently
i am reforming myself from poor financial literacy. forums like this have made me aware of what i didn't know before but i need some more specific advice for my current situation now.
i have about 11 years of poor credit history, have a ~540 credit score. 67k in student loans. two credit cards with a total line of $3800. very poor credit utilization. I had saved $8100 in about 9 months (make roughly 1/4 deposit to my savings bi weekly). I did just pay off 2600 dollars of credit card debt. I have some random default stuff here and there(i would say around $4-6000) although i only have one or two accounts on my collections. i know i need to pay those 2 off, but do i have to pay the random stuff off and how does one even organize when ive just been avoiding them for so long? I also have some bad marks on my credit report for ignoring student loans multiple times up to the 180 day mark... I am now currently paying loans consistently and have been for about 6 months. i would like to get more aggressive with my loan spending but need advice on repayment.
My cost of living is roughly 2000 for absolute necessities and probably a variable amount of monthly spending in the range of (300-1000)...
I do have employee matching TDA that i pay 163 a month into currently but believe i could crank that baby up to 600. need some advice about my need to catch up for retirement, and ultimately larger strategies.
i recently woke up very motivated to get my shit together so i can own a house or a boat or something. where do i go from here?
thanks <3
Submitted March 08, 2019 at 11:55PM by provencer