My wife and I have been married around a year. When going through paperwork to file taxes I discovered that she has had Medicaid for herself and my step son for the past year. My income puts us substantially over the limit for her being allowed to have it.
She did not tell me she had it, and I don’t want any discussion on why she had it. She has issues, and was scared among other things.
Where do we even begin? I know if I file our joint taxes, it will set off all the flags indicating she should not have had it. On her income alone, she most likely qualified, but with mine, not a chance.
It has been a whole year, and there have been dr. Apts for herself and my step son which I thought were covered under the medical coverage from her employer. At this point I feel things are in deep shit territory, and this may be more appropriate on r/LegalAdvice
Submitted February 10, 2019 at 11:28AM by No5WaysAboutIt