In light of Warren Buffet’s annual letter and him deeming stocks to be pricy at the moment, I’ve been wondering what leads him to make that statement. I know that we are late in the economic cycle right now and that many stocks are sky high right now, fair. However with the beating the market took starting October, you can find stocks trading under 20 and 15 PE that are pretty solid. Apple for example is sitting around 14 PE and has been on Buffets radar, but he did not increase his position and is saying that everything is overpriced. Am I missing something here? I currently hold 4 stocks (AAPL, FB, STZ, NVDA) all with solid growth potential and under or around 20 PE, all have been hammered since October and are starting to rebound. What am I missing, are these stocks overpriced?
Submitted February 24, 2019 at 12:06PM by ddyycool