TL;DR How to live in the Bay Area CA on $2,600 a month?
I’m a bit stressed. I currently live at my parents, but my Fiancée (21) and I (22) are getting married this coming summer. We are looking to move out, as we can’t really both live with our parents.
Due to crippling anxiety she is currently unable to work. I work full time, with benefits, and bring home $2600 a month.
I have a degree, a car, and no debt. I’m currently saving about 2,000 a month, and will have hopefully 15k saved by summer. She has car payments, but makes enough to cover that in her small amount of part time work. She will eventually be able to work full time. But who knows how long until then.
How do I make it work for us on one income? Is 2600 enough? Everything is so expensive. I lived in Irvine CA for school, so maybe my idea of how far a dollar goes is wrong?
Submitted February 03, 2019 at 03:34PM by helplesslyhopefulCA