I’ll try to be brief. I make about 63k now in my current role with my current employer but have been making 68k for the last three months while I assist in another area but that 5k bump is expiring soon. I am unhappy here due to management and how decisions are made. I was offered a position elsewhere with better benefits and a pension where I can retire at 55 at 80% of my pay. I’m 27. This position is 1 hour commute and I need to get a new car. They offered about 63k. Not in a leadership role.
However, when I informed my current employer of this they offered me 80k+ and a higher position with more authority, higher leadership position than I’m in now. No pension here but benefits are fine, not bad. Flexible hours and 8 minute drive. (Side note, I’ve been unhappy here for a while and have been vocal with my peers who would now report to me, credibility damaged? Not sure. I also have serious imposter syndrome but that’s for another subreddit. BUT that does result in significant stress with this employer because of how high in the ranks I’ve risen in a short amount of time.)
I’m getting married soon (~6 mo), and plan to have children shortly after. Also, I’m 27, am I peaking too young? This is a human services field, and this kind of pay is pretty much unheard of without any masters degree or license. Do I pick the more money now or do I go with pension later? I have about a day to decide.
Submitted February 11, 2019 at 10:07AM by skingirl http://bit.ly/2tgQ4qU