My current work pays me $82k per year. Along with that I get a 4% match on 401k, an employee stock benefit that I won't be fully vested in for another 3 years (bring in around $10k per year, they generally beat the market), and they pay for part of my health insurance with my portion being taken out of pretax dollars, I pay about $150 per month for that. No guaranteed bonus, generally about a 2% christmas bonus though. I receive 152 hours of vacation time per year, plus 10 holidays. Total compensation is probably $98k/yr
I received an offer from another company in the same area with a similar job title. I told them my needs were closer to $110k. They offered $65k base salary for 1840 hours of work, plus 20% salary for flexible time off that I can use in coordination with my normal hours. They also have a profit share plan that's 25% base salary, and an annual bonus of 10% assuming you don't suck. They pay for all insurances themselves, with the option to opt out and get the cash back. Accounting for everything, their total compensation is $107k. In addition t the 1840 hours is 40 hours of training and 20 hours of meetings. So I have 140 spare hours of PTO assuming I work 40 hour weeks with no holidays.
The offer boils down to less money monthly in my bank account per month. I could justify not putting money in my 401k since they don't have a match and their offering an additional $6k for their retirement, so that would be an additional couple hundred a month to account for. But even so, it's higher total compensation, but relying on bonuses and profit sharing for a large percent of the compensation package is frustrating to me. I'd like to stay at my current position with a company match (they generally match without issue). Should I even bring the offer up to my manager? What do I tell him the compensation is? I don't want to be dishonest, but saying yearly compensation is $107k wouldn't be wrong, and I know at the very least they would bump my total compensation up to whatever I was offered.
I'm going to at least respond to the offer with a counter offer. Since everything is in context of base salary, and the high end of salary for someone with my position is $115k, what should I ask for for base salary?
Should I just reject the offer and wait for something better to try and match at my current employer?
Submitted February 06, 2019 at 08:26AM by what_ok