Hi! I used to be part of a Facebook group called Everything is Free (there were a bunch of them in my area for towns and even neighborhoods of the city). They had an amazing system and the pickups seemed to work well. People would label the item and leave on their porch for pickup; there were community standards like no reselling/no claiming unless you intend to pick up etc. It was WAY more reliable than Craigslist and the way that folks also made threads asking for stuff made it feel like a community, kept me from buying stuff that larger families or fellow hoarders just happened to already have. One time I was even able to borrow a vacuum for my car (I was reallly scraping by and couldn’t afford to even go to the car wash) .
Now that I’m off FB I have found a serious gap and I’m growing increasingly frustrated with Craigslist! Has anyone started something similar to this on NextDoor, or started a Really Really Free Market in their town? There was a RRFM when I lived in the city, but now that I’m in a much smaller city with less young people I worry it won’t really work / I won’t be able to find space to do it...
Anyway any experiences tips or ideas welcome! Just curious about how y’all have been sharing items with yr communities. :)
February 15, 2019 at 11:36AM