It's hard to see how it will die, but all things eventually do. Facebook is so integrated in so many facets of life, and it's only getting deeper with each day that passes. FB is beginning to make amazing hardware like Portal (yes portal is amazing tech) , and Oculus HMDs, and integrating it with the ecosystem. FB is 1st in virtual reality, 2nd in artificial intelligence (behind google), and somewhere in the top 4 for augmented reality, so you can bet the FB ecosystem will be integrated in the most important technologies that emerge over the next 10-30 years.
FB will officially become the place you visit your deceased family members/ancestors to reflect on their lives, so there will be emotional/historical attachment to the platform. The nature of the social media business is some what of a natural monopoly (or at least oligopoly), in that the value of the platform raises the more people that on there. Upcoming regulation will make it a lot more difficult for any would be start up to compete. What do you think?
Submitted January 27, 2019 at 01:16PM by SuchRush