Adulting thing is real people.
Boyfriend (26) & I (f/25) have been together 11years, yes 11.
To keep it simple. We rent a house. We have two car payments. No credit card debt but monthly bills making it hard to save & getting in that feeling of what is really ours?
Here are my options which seem to be taunting us:
Stay. Continue paying rent, bills etc, only able to put a few hundred away towards saving.
Buy a house. No money down, higher payment. Have even more hard time putting money away.
Move into brothers guest house. Save at least $1200 a month. Buy house in a few years.
Living in Las Vegas. A small fear the housing prices in a few years are going to get even more ridiculous then what they are growing now. A small hope it all crashes and I have saved enough and boom, nice house(ish).
There’s a few more factors but tying to keep it simple.
Thoughts on my options?
Submitted January 11, 2019 at 08:29PM by countryapricot