Hello /r/diy , this is going to be my first ever DIY project out of necessity so here goes:What do I want to do?:I have a small room in my house in which I want to install a single bed. The problem is that the space that I envisage the bed going in to is super tight.If I place the mattress on the floor, it fits. The problem comes when you add a bed frame in to the equation because the dimensions of the frame exceed the space available.I've come to the conclusion that the best course of action is to build my own bed frame which will be fitted to the wall and then the mattress on top of that. Not as fancy as a bed I could buy but just as functional.The room in question is currently a room in which I have a projector set up with my games consoles so the bed would be a sofa bed kind of deal.What I already have:I have salvaged wooden slats from an old IKEA bed. As well as the rail the held the slats up (the rail might need to be trimmed but I am confident I can sort that out). So in essence my only real task is the construction of a frame.Also want to mention that I'm in the UK, I have access to B&Q, Homebase etc. I already have a dual driver drill and a jigsaw, I would think about picking up a circular saw and a sander.What I want to know:Right so basically I'm feeling confident to go ahead and start constructing this thing but I worried about 2 things:Seeing as it's going to be potentially supporting a fully grown adult do I need to consider which type of wood I buy? How do I know that the wood is strong enough for construction in a bed?The bed is going in a space that kind of resembles a square bracket if viewed from above [ , it will be screwed to the wall on both short sides and one long side, with that in mind do I also need to attach legs to the bed or will having it screwed to a wall be enough.I hope to use the area under the bed as storage. Obviously the higher the bed is off the ground, the more space there will be under the bed to put things. Is there a maximum height from the ground that I should think about limiting myself to? If I'm further from the ground do I need to take additional consideration in terms of how my bed is held in place?I completely realise that I might come across as someone that is overthinking things completely. It's a bed not a rocket ship etc etc etc but I just want to make sure that I'm not going to make something that will turn out to break or even injure someone.Cheers for giving this a read and I look forward to any responses. via /r/DIY http://bit.ly/2QQgppa