I’m Joshua, I am currently sixteen and In one year and two months I will gain access to £16000. I’m making this post to try and get some ideas / knowledge as I need to invest this money into something that I can build a future off of. I haven’t got GCSE’s as I suffered with a bad Chrons flare up and wasn’t able to sit my exams so I went straight into full time work as a chef, I left my second job a month ago due to dodgy backdoor stuff going on and currently am looking for new work. This is a make or break situation for me. I’ve been looking into stocks, real estate etc but I need some advice / tips and knowledgeable people to give me a hand. If any me can help, anything is appreciated. Thank you all.
Serious enquiries: Instagram : mb.eldn
Submitted January 30, 2019 at 04:52AM by MakeriLondon http://bit.ly/2MEm6Gk