Hey guys
A few weeks ago I made this post https://www.reddit.com/r/Frugal/comments/9xfolt/engagement_rings_hurt_my_frugal_bone/?st=JPDKCZE6&sh=9bf29c23
I read thru just about every comment and decided to research alternative rings to get. Moissanite stood out because it was relatively affordable and shiny... I bought one at Charles and Colvard for roughly ~~500 bucks...the exact upper limit of my budget.
I got the ring in the mail, it was pretty, but honestly I knew nothing about rings or what was the correct size.
When I proposed, my girlfriend now fiancé didn’t even look at the ring ...just saw the box and knew what was coming...tears in her eyes... because she didn’t know it was coming (happy tears)...and then said yes many times.
I knew at that point if it is true love, it’s not the ring that matters or something silly or materialistic like that, but the presence and caring of someone else (ok enough cheese)
Heck the ring I got didn’t even fit...but that’s fine we will get it resized.
Either way, my advice for anyone else in my same boat...don’t worry about the ring...if he or she is the one for you, honestly a ring pop will be sufficient. They don’t care...and if they do they may not be the one for you (small caveat to this). They are a potential partner for you in rich and poor.
My caveat...I did my proposal in full surprise...I understand some couples make this a whole process and decision that takes time and they have a set budget and idea...That is cool as well...the key is that you both were very thoughtful and planning on it!
December 07, 2018 at 12:13AM