I have been in a car accident this week and my car was a total loss. I'm fresh out of law school and my new job starts in March, so I currently have no income and thus aren't able to finance a car. My student loans are super high and I'm broke.
My brother was super nice and supportive in this situation. He went car shopping with me two days in a row and will go a third time next week because we haven't found a good car within my meager budget yet. He also decided to lend me his car for a week while he's off work - then even brought it over to my place (1 hour drive) and took a ride home with our dad after the car shopping. This allows me to come home for Christmas without a huge hassle. It truly means a lot to me because it makes things so much easier for me - no catching the train and riding a bus, being able to see family and friends AND being able to bring my gifts along (which wouldn't be possible if I had to take the public transport).
I would like to thank him and show him how much this means to me. I will obviously return the car with a full tank (it was close to empty when I got it), and plan to drive it through the car wash. Is it overbearing if I deep-cleaned the inside of the car, too? Do you think it's okay for me to fold his sweatshirts and put his tools that are scattered all over the trunk into a box? I feel like I don't have a lot to offer right now because I'm super broke. I don't want to invade his privacy or overdo things, but I do want to show my appreciation and gratefulness.
Can you think of anything else that's super frugal / (almost) free that I could do?
Thank you for any ideas and suggestions!
December 22, 2018 at 08:59PM