My mom (63) broke her back last week. It's always been just her and I, and I am more than willing to help her in any way I can, except I don't know how.
She finally let me into her house (first time in five years) to help her home from the hospital and simultaneously told me it's going into foreclosure and she needs to be out by Jan. 14th (!!!)
I'm all of a sudden finding out she's in a ton of debt, is losing the house (which is a mess), doesn't have health insurance, doesn't have a place to move to or put her stuff, and now because she can barely physically move, I'm supposed to deal with this all.
I'm 25 and am doing alright supporting myself, but by no means have anywhere near enough money to help her. It's not possible for her to move in with me and my roommates. I have no clue how to set her up for somewhere to live when she has no money. I get overwhelmed just thinking about the hospital bills. I can barely take time off work to do any of this without financially going under myself.
I want to help her but I don't know how. I'm stressed and trying not to panic as I can't come up with a single solution or place to start with this and I feel like this is all my responsibility now. How do I help her but also keep it from dragging me into financial despair as well? Where do I start?
Submitted December 18, 2018 at 03:18PM by sunsunofbunbun