Hey gang, lurked a lot, helped a little and now it’s time to ask for some help. I’m going through and slowly replacing all the flooring since it’s about 17 year old carpet and is all stretched out and torn. We have decided we wanted to go with vinyl plank from Smartcore. It doesn’t require a lot of prep, but I can feel bumps and whoops and hear the creaks in the flooring. I wanted to see what was causing this. someone used fiberboard/MDF for a subfloor! over the years, it looks like moisture and grossness has soaked in and really warped this flooring, I was wondering what my options are at this point? Under this flooring it looks like old plywood maybe I should remove this and just throw down nothing or just luaun? Options/opinions welcome. via /r/DIY http://bit.ly/2GGdm2U