Since switching from mp3s to streaming, I find myself more and more annoyed, whether it's fussing with the interface to get to the music I want, sorting through music I'm uninterested in, or constantly skipping through stuff that's just not good.
I sort of miss just having my own personal collection of sorted music that I personally hand picked, instead of it just being one of the many thing I convently clicked "Add to Library" on and it just become ones of the hundreds of albums I have.
Not to mention, these app try to get you to play what THEY want you to listen to. So not only do you get inaccurate suggestions, they're skewed based on what their advertisers what them to play.
Then there's just the overall reality of modern music oversaturation. So many artists and albums to choose from and more coming out makes it really hard to settle with anything.
I know a good solution is to just stick to making playlists, and i dont have a good reason that I dont other than its time consuming and theres just so much too sort through.
The design of these apps also seems to be distracting a less user friendly. Maybe I'm getting old, but I swear I was able to find stuff faster on my old iPods. Even moreso, Winamp and the Old Itunes seemed to be a lot more responsive and user friendly.
That said, I kind of miss just having my own special collection of music, and slowly inviting music I really like into it, playing it in software optimized for playing my audio where I can conveniently and quickly organize it my way.
Honestly at this point I hate sorting through music on spotify/googleplay and even stuff on youtube/nextflix. So tired of having stuff thrown in my face I don't care about and cluttered interfaces.
tl;dr streaming apps have a lot of visual clutter, distraction, loading, and an oversaturation of choice that makes music listening experience more convoluted.
Submitted November 18, 2018 at 06:46AM by Its_A_Nice_Day