Before they made it in little packets of powder that don't even taste like chocolate, this is how we made it.
Per cup
1 heaping tablespoon of just cocoa, the unsweetened baking stuff
1 mug of milk
Sweetener of your choice (sugar substitutes do well)
splash of vanilla
dash of salt
Pour a teaspoon of milk into the mug, add the whole tablespoon of cocoa. This stuff is super light and powdery, so you want to make a slurry before adding more milk. Stir vigorously to mix the liquid and powder. If after 30 seconds or so it's not incorporating, add another teaspoon of milk. If you add too much you are going to have a bunch of powder sitting on top that will refuse to incorporated.
When you have your slurry, add the sweetener of your choice, to taste. Stir.
Add the splash of vanilla, and the dash of salt. The dash of salt is not necessary, but it brings the flavor of the cocoa to the front. Stir.
Add the rest of the milk and stir it all together.
You can either warm it on the stovetop in a pan, or in the microwave.
If you do it in the microwave, do it for 1 minute. Stir. 30 seconds. Stir. Then in 30 second increments until it is the temp you desire. You are doing it in increments because it is really easy to overflow. You are stirring because it gets a little cocoa crust on top if you don't.
Enjoy favorite old fashioned chocolate, made simple and way cheaper than those tasteless packets!
November 23, 2018 at 10:15PM