Essentially, in the event of a US Crash, how would these three ETF portfolios comparatively fare:
- 100% S&P 500 Index ETF
- 50% S&P / 50% Canadian Markets
- 33% S&P / 33% Canadian / 33& Asian Pacific
It is my understanding that even Portfolio 3 would not meaningfully insulate risk - so why diversify and endure the lower average returns of Foreign Market ETFs? Many are even in the red on a 6-month scale, staring down the barrel of trade tensions.
To a novice such as myself, as an entry point - these foreign market diversifications appear on the face to be "risks", as opposed to a means to mitigate risk. Thanks to anyone who can clarify my error in thinking!
Submitted September 30, 2018 at 02:49PM by Fueghost