I'm wondering WTF is going on. Lived here for 20+ years. Never had ants in toilets(but have ants all around the house that sometimes come in, and I know they are probably in the walls).I've heard diabetes somehow causes ants to come to your toilets(but these ants are all in the BACK resevoir of the toilet as well... just tons of dead ants).Overall i'd say about 50 ants+ per toilet, all dead. Just got a new well installed(deep well like 300 feet or something).I can't even IMAGINE what could be causing a SYSTEMIC, SIMULTANEOUS ant problem like this. I see no live ants. I doesn't appear they're entering through the toilet. It appears there are somehow dead ants in my main watersupply... or else they simulatenously attacked all our toilets(3) on 2 floors of our house, all on the same night. via /r/DIY https://ift.tt/2OuGAEJ