Just as the title says. 1896 house, plumbing is fairly modern (PVC). When we drain the bathtub (second story) and let it drain in one go it will cause water to back-up the kitchen sink (first floor) and spill-over onto the floor. Today we let the bathtub drain and it caused a significant flood and the water flooded not only the kitchen but the basement as well (water dripping through the ceiling of the basement/ base boards). What are the possible problems / fixes? If i didn't provide enough information I can try and supply more.One would think a house's plumbing would be built to withstand a bathtub worth of water draining at once. This appears to be fairly recent (noticed in the last few weeks). We have lived here a year and have not had this problem before and have drained the tub without issue. Could it be a tree root partially blocking the ultimate drain of the house? Could the problem be between the sink drain and the outside drain? via /r/DIY https://ift.tt/2ERxdLO