I just had a pretty bad day at work. Really not feeling this shit.
I am 23, my parents are both in their late 50s and still work every day, even though realistically they CAN retire if they wanted to. I don't know how they've put up with this for 30+ years.
Some people enjoy work, i honestly don't. I can't wait for this shit to end.
So my question is, realistically, how much money would i need to quit my job and just chill, smoke pot, and play video games until i die?
I already own a car and a one bedroom apartment. Both of which are perfectly fine.
I have no debt whatsoever, and i am also single/childless/no dependents. (Probably going to remain that way for the foreseeable future).
I make the equivalent of 80k USD/yr and there are are no taxes where i live.
I wouldn't say that i'm "frugal" but i definitely don't spend much.
Water bill (20$)/mo
Electricity bill (40$)/mo
Internet (90$)/mo
Phone (40$)/mo
Gas (150$)/mo
Food (600$)/mo
Other expenses (500-1000$)/mo
That's easily an overestimate of how much i actually spend. I don't owe rent/mortgage or anything. Everything else goes into savings. I already have about 100k USD saved up.
Assuming i double down and just save as much money as possible, how much longer would i need to work to reach a point where i can quit and maintain my current lifestyle? (+have some extra in case of an emergency)?
Submitted September 12, 2018 at 02:43PM by shadowles5 https://ift.tt/2xcFm6i