I turned 30 this summer and it finally started to sink in that I needed to plan my finances better. I have a university degree and am working on a certification (will finish Dec/19).
I currently have zero debt (finally!) and about $7000 cash. I have a fair amount of other assets, that I have zero desire to liquidate (furniture, equipment, tools, etc.).
I work full time and my after tax income is around $32,000/y. Expected monthly expenses (rent, utilities, gas, & food) are around $1180 and represent about 43% of my after tax month income($2700~). By May of next year I should be able to reduce my expenses by at least $300/m.
I have been reading that a goal for age 30 is to have a years worth of savings, and by 35 2 full years. By that measure, I am well behind. With a significant reduction in my expenses, or an increase in salary I am not sure how to approach this. Any advice or guidance would be appreciated.
Submitted September 21, 2018 at 09:11PM by Aedan2016 https://ift.tt/2Dk8PS3