Just some food for thought on a Friday morning...
To me, simple living isn't about "minimalism" or living with less. Or heck, even living below your means. It's not about canceling cable television or your magazine subscriptions, living in the smallest house on the block or driving the shittiest car or wearing the oldest clothes. That's not simple living.
Simple living is way more fundamental than that: It's about quality over quantity. Only doing those things that are most important and provide maximum happiness. Living simply isn't some predetermined collection of steps that we all need to take in order to achieve it. Rather, I think it's a feeling more than anything. A feeling that we have enough to cover our most basic needs and probably a little more to fill that larger need of purpose and a sense of productivity.
And clearly, it'll look different to each and every one of us.
It's also one of those things that can drive us insane if we focus too heavily on it. Many of us like the idea of living a simple life and focus on what we *should be doing* in order to achieve it. But, that's the wrong focus to have. Who cares what society would have us believe about living a simple life. Society isn't about living simply anyway. Just look around...
That's completely up to us. We control what it means to live simply. Not your neighbor. Not some "expert" living in a penthouse apartment in New York City. Not some politician, manager or talking head.
It's you.
Submitted August 03, 2018 at 11:08AM by SteveAAdcock https://ift.tt/2O9CgXI