https://ift.tt/2vUpMf9 - More clear, with labels.So I started by using the stud finder and it was randomly beeping, sometimes staying on for many inches in any direction, or failing to go off at all, with very inconsistent results. I then decided to, once I found a stud, measure from it either 16" or 24" in either direction, and still found nothing, or at the very least very inconsistent results. So I got myself a very powerful half inch rare earth magnet, and started running it along the wall. What you see in the picture above, marked by masking tape, is exactly the spots the magnet found something. The thing I find most strange is the distance these are from each other. They are all over the place as you can see in the labeled picture. What is safe to screw into? what is even going on here?EDIT: sorry, forgot to add details. This is the second level of a townhome. This wall is shared with our neighbors. And the home was made in the last 15 years. I'm aiming to hang up some big shelves, that need to be fairly wight bearing. Since I'm renting, I dont want to cover the wall in holes for drywall anchors if I dont have to, but I can. I would ideally just screw into the studs, like I have in past places. via /r/DIY https://ift.tt/2vuraWk