I'm posting here as I have no clue where else to post this. I recently moved into a new home and found this wall fitting: https://ift.tt/2OJwu0d After a few weeks of wondering what it is my curiousity peeked and I examined a bit more. Upon pushing the golden thing in the middle, some sort of pressurised gas came out. It wasn't gas or air, it smelt similar to a medical drug. It looks like something screws into the socket. I do know that there was a very sick women living in the property before I did and she was pretty much unable to move. I believe these are related, I just have no idea what this is and I must know. I don't where to ask or who to ask, I figured hopefully somebody on this sr has dealt with something similar before or can help with a related sr? Thanks via /r/DIY https://ift.tt/2AKFtLl