Hi, first let me say this is MY fault entirely and an entirely self-imposed problem. I am completely disgusted with myself. I am drowning in debt and I don’t know what to do, I am simply lost. If anyone has ANY insight, ANY advice I am ready to hear it - not including “don’t take out a payday loan.” I know this. I do. I feel so moronic and financially inept, and it’s because I am. So only constructive comments please? :)
Here’s the deal. I owe one company $580 due this Friday. I owe another $460 due this Friday. I get paid the following Wednesday. On top of that I have a $190 ticket and my court date is tomorrow (the 8th). My understanding of this is that I’ll have to go to court and just ask for more time to pay it, right? I live in Ohio if that matters, it’s a failure to wear seatbelt and a failure to display front license plate. $95 each.
My credit is so terrible that even applying for those seedy online payday loan sites I came up with nothing. Nobody will loan me a dime. Of course i don’t blame them - among the other longer term debt I owe a phone company $700, a car insurance company $80 and about $150 in medical bills. On top of this my car loan after 2.5 years of successful repayment i defaulted on, and they ended up writing it off as bad debt. My score is just below 500 (yeah I know.)
You might ask “how the hell do you screw up your money so badly?” Well the answer is simple - opioid addiction. I’m not blaming anybody for this but myself, it’s just context as to how I got this deep in the first place.
I’m on day 5 of sobriety and feeling terribly lethargic and anxious. I still work daily and expect about $1250 this upcoming Wednesday (the 15th.) however, if the payday loan places charge my account I will have no money at all. I’m pretty sure they will, and while I have a bank with no overdraft protection I’m pretty certain it will go through anyway.
Can I ask for more time? Do payday lenders even ever entertain that question? More time in this case meaning 5 more days. Can I ask for more time in court? How do I come back from this? I don’t want (or need, I think) to file bankruptcy. I’m 22 and I just have very poor financial habits. If I had a hold on my finances I could be looking great right now as I make $2500 a month or so after taxes.
Does anybody have any insight? I realize there might not be anything to say but this is killing me. I want to dig myself out of this hole. :(
Again, let me stress all of this is COMPLETELY my fault. I just want to get insight on how I can best proceed from here. I want to be financially healthy. It makes life terribly difficult when I’m not (never really have been).
Agh, I don’t know. Thanks in advance for reading this mess. All comments welcomed. Honestly I’m embarrassed about the whole thing but I have to take a step forward at some point instead of taking step after step backward. HELP!
Thank you!
Submitted August 07, 2018 at 03:14AM by financiallystunted92 https://ift.tt/2vJTP9g