Hello Reddit! I am wondering if I can create a DIY Tesla Powerwall. I could genuinely go to this site, which would give me plenty of batteries I could buy. Furthermore, I could search eBay for "dead laptop batteries", which would give me plenty of 18650s, but I would just have to test them. If I assume that 1 cell costs about $1, I could make a giant power unit with about 320 cells (because of the package), which would let me divide it into 2 cell bocks, each with 160 cells. For fuses I would use 1/8W resistor legs (watch this guy blow the fuses with just 6 amps). If I would be able to construct these cells for $300, I would have a total of 3.2kWh/unit, and within the budget of $1000 I could have 9.6kWh. With 10 $100 solar panels (100Wh alone, 1kWh combined), I would be able to charge the whole PowerWall within about 10 hours (with ideal conditions). Of course, I won't be able to achieve that, so lets say within 12 hours (without any electricity use). Of course, I won't be able to not-use electricity, therefore I will have to still use the main electricity provider. Overnight, electricity is more expensive, therefore I will have to fill up about 2 Powerwalls, which would probably be sufficient enough to last all night. In Winter, I would not be able to produce hardly any electricity (ironically humans need more. bummer), so at Winter I would have to use more from the electricity provider.Would this make sense? Or can you give me some tips to improve this?FOR REFERENCE I USE THESE BATTERIES, AND THESE SOLAR PANELS via /r/DIY https://ift.tt/2N2kghM