This will probably end up on /r/wallstreetbets but I don't really care because I'm well aware that I don't know anything about trading, or the stock market in general for that matter. I know how the market works, I just have zero experience in actually manually trading myself.
That being said, I've been looking to put a small bit away into the market with every paycheck. Robinhood seems tempting because it is so easy to get into, but I also see that lots of people mock Robinhood as a platform for interacting with the market. Is this because there are just generally better alternatives that I should use, is it because of its tendency to attract "noobs" that don't know what they're doing (myself being included in this category), or is it just because of it's popularity and mobile-based roots?
I'm not committed to using it yet, but I'm trying to figure out what the best solution is for me. I'm not looking to use it as a 401k, I'm not looking to put tens of thousands of dollars away, I'm just looking to put a couple hundred away here and there and leaving it there for several years, maybe making an occasional trade if I want to. Is this investment approach correct in the first place? Should I steer clear of Robinhood in favor of a better alternative platform, or is it's mockery around the stock market community something I can ignore?
Submitted July 10, 2018 at 01:02PM by I_cut_my_own_jib