I've been having problems with ants. I'll sometimes see a few in my bedroom or in the bathroom, but the majority of them congregate in the kitchen. I try to keep my kitchen as clean as possible, but if I leave a piece of food down for even just a few minutes (like a banana), there's a swarm of them surrounding the food. I did some quick thinking the other day and decided to clean down all the counters to make them spotless, then left a couple homemade traps. I left a couple large plates on the counters with a dollop of honey in the center of each plate. Within a few minutes I already saw a swarm of them on the honey and quickly squished them and/or hosed them with hot water in the sink (I know, cruel, but they are pests invading my home after all). I'm not sure if doing this repeatedly will completely get rid of them, so I'm asking for suggestions as to what else I can do. I imagine even though I'm killing a lot of the worker ants effectively with this method, as long as the queen is still alive, I might be at this all summer. Can anyone recommend any home remedies for attacking the problem at the source, or what kind of retail product would you recommend that has worked really well for you? I don't have the extra cash right this moment to buy some commercial traps, but in a few weeks I should have some extra cash saved up. I just don't want to go out and buy some traps to find I wasted my money because they don't work very well.
July 19, 2018 at 06:28PM