Hey everyone, first time poster here so forgive me.
A little while ago I was offered a job about 20 miles from where I live, but I had to turn it down because getting there just wasn't possible for me. Just this morning, I had another offer for an interview, and had to turn that down as well. This time, it really got me down because it was perfect for me, and the guy I spoke to on the phone said I was a perfect match.
The solution? Should be simple, right? Get a car. Well, I work part time right now. I earn £120 a week. But I'm only 18 years old, and the small company I'm working for isn't doing so well. My boss is down to 2 employees, including me, but quite often I get a text saying I'm just not needed in work that week. I'm not secure financially, and therefore can't afford to drive. Any money I save up gets burned through whenever I'm out of work. I'm really struggling here...
It's a really frustrating situation, and I was wondering if any of you kind folks have been in a similar one before, and would like you to tell me how you got out of it. I'm looking for advice. Any advice.
Thanks, all.
Submitted July 10, 2018 at 07:03AM by xMillzee https://ift.tt/2NGMwHt