So as of July, I consider myself to at least be a good place, although I've become a bit of a spendthrift sometimes, living on my own. To beat the loneliness I like to go out to dinner with friends and have experiences with them. Not that it hurts my wallet too much, I always pay my CC off at the end of the month.
So after contributions and taxes my monthly take home is: $3,600
My bills:
Rent: 1270 (I live in a 2 bedroom apartment)
Car/Renters insurance: 140
Verizon Internet: 50
Gas/Electric: 50-100 (sometimes depends on usage, I try to minimalize my AC usage until I can't stand the heat)
Credit Card: 900-1000 (I try to have a hard stop once I reach $1000)
Misc expenses:
Groceries: 150
Restaurants: 400 (I seriously need to cut back on this shit, I'm too nice of a guy sometimes)
Gas: 80 (I live 0.3 miles from work and bike or walk somedays)
So what do I do going forward; Other than making more money, spending less.
My goals are to have at least 50k in liquid savings by the time I'm 30 (28 now), and have 100k in my IRA by the time I'm 35. I really really want to retire early, I don't want to be working in my 50's. I don't have plans for kids or a wife, but with life you just never know.
Anyways, thanks for any advice or comments.
Submitted July 20, 2018 at 08:17AM by datkhushiboi