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I used to be the type of guy who just throws his clothes together in the washing machine. I'd separate whites and colors, but that's about it. So about a year and a half ago, I was thinking, man the zippers from my jeans swishing around with my shirts can't be good for them. So I started putting more thought into how I wash my clothes. Now I wash all my jeans and pants together. Then anything else with a zipper or buttons I wash in it's own load. Then everything else (still separating whites and colors) gets it's own load. More recently I bought a high efficiency washing machine also which is actually gentler on the clothes. One more thing I started doing, having nothing to do with washing, was wearing different clothes to bed. I haven't wore pajamas since I was a kid, usually just shorts and a t-shirt. If I wore a t-shirt that day, I'd just keep wearing it to bed. That's a lot of tossing and turning stretching the shirt out. So now I make sure to only wear my decent shirts during the day and older shirts at night. Doing all these things, my clothes have lasted noticeably longer. They'll still fade from normal wear and what have you, but my shirts tend to not start ripping at the seams after 6 months anymore. It may be a little thing, and for all I know, this is something that most normal adults already do. But I just wanted to pass along some things that have helped save me money by not having to buy new clothes as much.

July 06, 2018 at 08:01PM

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