New to this thread - sorry if this has been asked before.
I’ve recently been given £50,000 in a will from a relative. I’m 27 years old with very stable self-employed work coming in consistently. Basically I’m fine for money without the 50k.
However, this lump sum has sort of thrown me off. It’s just sitting there not doing anything and has been for about 3 weeks. Do I leave it and let it grow with interest and dip into when I need to? Or do I find some way to invest and grow it fast, ready for my retirement/future? Ideally growing it so I can live a very comfortable retired life would be the best solution, but where the hell do I start? What do I invest in? I’m pretty lost on what to do at the moment. I’ve never had this amount of money to deal with before so it just feels like a big pressure on me to find something useful to do with it.
In b4 worst problems to have.
Submitted June 23, 2018 at 12:45PM by Tedauz