I’ve seen conflicting advise on stealing a ground wire from a grounded circuit and jumpering it to an ungrounded circuit.My circuit to the garage is ungrounded, but another circuit jbox nearby is grounded.I’m considering pulling a ground from the grounded circuit to the ungrounded. I’ve rerun most of the wiring to the garage with THHN in EMT, but the jbox feeding the garage in the attic was ran with old 2 wire no ground crap.Some of the articles I’ve read say the newer code revisions allow it and some say the ground should always travel the same path the wire does.Any advice here as to whether this is acceptable or not? I know the best option is to rerun the path to the box, but it will involve a lot of drywall work and drilling as the panel is two floors down in the basement on the opposite side of the house. via /r/DIY https://ift.tt/2JFbxnY